Ring compares record to Duff
(by Jonathan Ring, Manchester Cricket, September 19th, 2024)
On Nov. 5, Vote Ring for Register of Deeds - The Manchester Cricket (thecricket.com)
Ring makes pitch to be Register of Deeds
(by Jonathan Ring, GDT, September 15th, 2024)
Letter: Ring makes pitch to be register of deeds | | gloucestertimes.com
Ring at the Rhumb Line
Sunday, September 8th, 7pm - 9pm.
(20+) Ring at the Rhumb Line - Fundraiser for Jonathan Ring for Register of Deeds | Facebook
Find Jonathan Ring on Instagram
(August 17th, 2024)
Jonathan Ring (@jonathanring6) • Instagram photos and videos
Vote for Ring for Register of Deeds
(by Maria Pia Perez, Lynn item, August 14th, 2024)
LTE: Vote for Jonathan Ring in the election for register of deeds - Itemlive
Ring Q and A from North Shore Labor Council
(August 14th, 2024)
Friends of Jonathan Ring Cookout Fundraiser:
Saturday, August 10th, 2pm - 5pm in Lynn.
(20+) Friends of Jonathan Ring for Register of Deeds Fundraiser and BBQ | Facebook
Ring interview on Conservative Corner with Elliot Margolis
(Bev Cam, August 8th, 2024)
The Conservative Corner - show 49 (8-8-2024).mp4 (dropbox.com)
Ring Q and A Voter Guide - Progressive Mass.
(August 8th, 2024)
Jonathan-Ring_PM-2024-County-Level-Race-Questionnaire-.pdf (progressivemass.com)
Ring Q and A Voter Guide: League of Women Voters:
(August 7th, 2024)
Ring in Yankee Homecoming Parade
(August 4th, 2024 - fwd 1.02)
Yankee Homecoming Parade 2024 (youtube.com)
Ring launches YOU Tube Channel
(July 26th, 2024)
Jonathan Ring interviewed on Danvers Program: "Topics of the Town"
(Danvers Cable TV: 7/24/24)
Topics of the Town: 7/24/24 (youtube.com)
Ring for Register Campaign Kick-off on Monday, June 24th, 7pm
(20+) Jonathan Ring for Register of Deeds Kick Off fundraiser | Facebook
Ring official statement for Register of Deeds
(Manchester Cricket 5/23/24)
Vote Jonathan Ring for Registry of Deeds in November - The Manchester Cricket (thecricket.com)
Ring officially Declares Candidacy for Register of Deeds
(GDT article 5/22/24)
Rockport’s Ring throws hat into Registry of Deeds ring | Election | gloucestertimes.com
Ring Press Release:(14) Facebook
Ring received write in nominations in local election.
(GDT article 5/7/24)
Challengers take Select Board seats in Rockport election | Election | gloucestertimes.com
Ring joins fellow Rockport residents in fight to Stop Unconstitutional MBTA Mandate
(GDT article 5/3/2024)
Residents challenge MBTA zoning plan in court | News | gloucestertimes.com
Election a Lifetime event
by Jonathan Ring
(GDT 4/11/2024)
Letter: Election a lifetime event | Letters To The Editor | gloucestertimes.com
Ring wins re-election, tops ticket in Rockport GOP town committee election!
(March 5th, 2024)
local-OFFICIAL-Republican-3-5-2024-results-PDF (rockportma.gov)
UNOFFICIAL-Republican-3-5-2024-results-PDF (rockportma.gov)
Ring and Rockport GOP Endorse Sullivan and Yull for GOP State Committee
(GDT, February 28th, 2024)
Letter: Sullivan, Yull for state GOP committee | Opinion | gloucestertimes.com
Ring to Host Cape Ann GOP Debate in Rockport
(GDT, February 14th, 2024)
Cape Ann GOP hosts successful Christmas fundraiser, Delivers toy donation to Pathways for Children
(December, 2023)
Ashley Sullivan, chair, Gloucester GOP and Jonathan Ring, chair of the Rockport GOP, co-hosted a Christmas with Cape Ann GOP event in which Republicans from all over the North Shore donated un-wrapped toys to the Cape Ann Kids Holiday Fund. Ashley and Jonathan personally delivered the toys to Pathway for Children. Pathways for Children sent a letter stating, "thank you for your [Rockport Republican Town Committee] in-kind donation of toys, valued at $1000, for the Cape Ann Kids Holiday Fund. Your generous contribution is deeply appreciated! The Cape Ann Kids Holiday Fund helps provide extra help to families experiencing financial challenges, making the holiday season a brighter and more joyous one. We are ever grateful for contributors like you who inspire us to work harder for the children and families that we serve. We sincerely appreciate your trust, commitment, and partnership in helping us full fill our mission." And we are grateful to support community causes like Pathways for Children Holiday Fund.
Christmas with Cape Ann GOP
Monday, December 11th, 6pm
Christmas with Cape Ann GOP - Massachusetts GOP (massgop.com)
Ring seeks 6th term on Rockport Republican Town Committee
(December 4th, 2023)
Ring joins with fellow Rockport and Gloucester Republicans at Gloucester Sidewalk Bazaar
Ring presents candidacy at Civic League forum
Ring talks about Experience and Vision for Housing Authority
(Letter to GDT, 5/5/23)
Letter: Ring seeks votes to Housing Authority board | Letters To The Editor | gloucestertimes.com
Jonathan Ring for Housing Authority face book page.
(20+) Jonathan Ring for Rockport Housing Authority | Facebook
Jonathan Ring announces candidacy for Housing Authority
(Town Clerk Facebook Post)
Jonathan Ring calls for Term Limits on elected officials.
(3/30/23 - GDT)
Letter: Calling for term limits in Rockport | Letters To The Editor | gloucestertimes.com
Fighting the Far-Left Election Deniers
(GDT, 1/27/23, Rockport GOP face book 2/12/23)
Rockport Republican Town Committee | Facebook
Ring joins with fellow Rockport residents to challenge Overlay District.
(GDT, 10/20/22)
Rockport residents challenging transit overlay, other zoning changes | News | gloucestertimes.com
In Defense of the Court
(Jonathan Ring, GDT, 7/5/22)
LETTER: In defense of the court | Opinion | gloucestertimes.com
Rockport GOP Delegates go to Mass GOP Convention.
(May 21st, 2022)
Jonathan Ring Thanks Supporters
(May 18th, 2022)
Jonathan Ring for Town Clerk presented his candidacy at the Rockport town clerk forum
Ring to participate in Live Zoom Forum for Town Clerk candidates
Attend Live Zoom Forum for Town Clerk Candidates Hosted by League of Women Voters and Rockport High School Civics Program Wednesday, May 4th at 7pm
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81625175932?pwd=Q0p5NGl3VWhLcTNKcFhZdFc5WTF1dz09 Meeting ID: 816 2517 5932 Passcode: 811448 Anyone can attend and watch! It will be recorded and replayed until election day.
Ring is committed to Rockport
Ring has commitment and experience
Ring the choice for clerk
Ring would be a town clerk with integrity
Rockport Needs Ring as Town Clerk
Jonathan Ring to participate in Town Clerk Debate.
(April 18th, 2022)
Ring Responds to Town Clerk's Letter, pushes to make sure election procedure follow state statutes & local bylaws.
(May 6th, 2022 Jonathanring.org)
Dear Editor (GDT) I am writing in response to Town Clerk Pat Brown’s letter dated 4/29/22. I want to make it clear that I have never called into question her integrity. I brought to her attention that the proper statutes were not being followed in the appointment of election officers. I never implied that she was intentionally not following the law. Instead, I took action to seek correction of the problem once I had discovered it. The Town Clerk serves as the chairperson and member of the Board of Registrar of Voters; it is the town clerk’s responsibility to make sure the Board of Registrars knows and follows all election statutes and to make sure that town election bylaws are being followed. The Secretary of State’s Election Manual states that “Selectmen must notify the chairmen of record of each town committee by April 15th that a list of party members who wish to be appointed as election officers must be submitted by June 1st… The chairman of the town committee of each political party may, not later than June 1st in each year, file with the registrars a list of enrolled members of such party who desire appointment as election officers . . .” In addition, the Rockport Code of Bylaws states that “The Board of Selectmen shall appoint … election officers.“ It’s the responsibility of the Town Clerk to ensure that all parties in the appointment of Election officers – Board of Selectmen, the Democratic town committee, the Republican town committee – are involved. The Town Clerk’s role is to coordinate, not appoint election workers without this input. Though the Republican Committee never received a notice from the town, I proposed several nominees from the Committee in June of 2021. The Town Clerk responded by saying “We do not have a need for election workers at this time. If you would like to nominate people for future elections I will consider them. I solicited volunteers right after the Covid outbreak through the Town website and the State website. I was not aware of the law you are talking about. Thank you for bringing my attention to it.” I asked about making sure that future appointments are in balance for the two major parties, Democrat and Republican, so that both receive equal representation, but was told “There is equal representation. Many of the people who are election workers are unenrolled and can represent either the Republican or Democrat parties. The Republican party and the Democrat party are also represented in the election workers.” I pointed out that this was factually and legally incorrect, and that there was currently a lack of balance (only 8 % were Republican and 24% were Democrats as of 2020), but I got no further response from the town clerk. I worked with the Board of Selectmen’s office to push for a correction, but unfortunately there was no plan from the town clerk to correct the issue for the midterm elections for 2022 – until legal notices were sent by a third party to the Town Clerk’s office to push for a correction. Now, thankfully both the Republican and Democratic Committees can nominate election officers to participate equitably in election oversight starting with the midterm elections of 2022. As Town Clerk, I commit to making sure our electoral procedures are aligned with all requirements under the law.
Ring officially announces for Rockport Town Clerk
(Jonathanring.org, February 9th, 2022)
I am writing to announce my candidacy for Rockport Town Clerk in this year’s election. As a life-long, 3rd generation, resident of Rockport, a member of a large close-knit immigrant family (on my Mother’s side, from Portugal), and as a proud American, I strongly believe that we should promote and protect one of our most precious rights as American citizens – the Right to Vote and participate in our democratic institutions. I believe in supporting, protecting, and promoting our election process and your right to participate in it to make your voices heard. For several years I’ve been involved in the Rockport community, attending almost every town meeting since I was registered to vote, and serving on town committees such as Rockport Historic District Commission, Rockport Board of Registrars of Voters, and the Rockport Housing Authority (RHA). When I was elected to the Housing Authority in 2016, I immediately went to work on the campaign platform I promised and succeeded in delivering. As chair, I managed the hiring process of our first Executive Director in years, getting the RHA out from the oversight of the Gloucester Housing Authority; I lead the board in successfully lobbying town meeting to allocate a $180,000 CPC grant for roof replacement at the RHA operated Kitefield Road housing facilities; and I promoted election opportunities to RHA tenants, which resulted in a tenant getting elected to the RHA board. In addition to these successes, I also promoted more public transparency of RHA finances with published reports in the Rockport annual town report, advocated for community safety improvements, addressed various constituent concerns, and interacted with the Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD), the Governor’s office and Senator Tarr’s office, to advocate for the RHA and support the mission of providing safe low-cost housing to those in need, such as Veterans, Rockport residents, and the homeless. I feel now is the time that my experience in managing the RHA board that oversaw policy and budget decisions for a local $3 million federal and state-supported agency, my experience on other town boards, as well as my management and customer service experience in the retail sector – managing a UPS store that grossed over half a million dollars in sales, will be useful to the town in the capacity of Town Clerk. As a Town clerk, I will:
· Serve as a resource for citizen involvement in town government.
· Uphold the Voter Bill of Rights https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/elerights/rightsidx.htm
· Improve election accountability, management, training, and transparency in accordance with federal, state, and local laws.
· Promote citizen participation with election forums and community outreach programs.
· Manage the town records and compliance with federal, state, and local laws.
I would appreciate your consideration and vote for Town Clerk on Tuesday, May 10th, 2022. I also look forward to being invited to any forums or debates in Rockport. To learn more about my candidacy please visit www.jonathanring.org or email me at j_ring@hotmail.com. Thank you again.
Jonathan Ring
Rebuttal to Gloucester Times on Voter ID Law
By Jonathan Ring
(Jonathanring.org, 11/26/21)
Dear Mr. Olson
I am submitting this letter in rebuttal to your opinion in the GDT. I thought you might be interested in letting your readers hear a different point of view. Thank you,
Dear Editor
I am writing to offer a rebuttal to your opinion article: Facts don't support push for Voter ID Law, GDT 11/17/21. In your opinion article you stated that "in Massachusetts, producing a license isn't a requirement to vote, except in rare cases, when for example, a voter casts a provisional ballot" and "Under Massachusetts law, voters are not required to produce identification." This was your response to the Newburyport city clerk asking for voter id at the polls. However, according to the Massachusetts Voters' Bill of Rights, on the Secretary of State's website, it states "8. You have the right to vote but must show identification if: you are a first-time voter who registered to vote by mail and did not submit identification with the voter registration form; or your name is on the inactive voter list; or your vote is being challenged; or if requested by a poll worker. Acceptable forms of identification are: Massachusetts driver's license, other printed documentation containing your name and address such as a recent utility bill, rent receipt on landlord's letterhead, lease, or a copy of a voter registration acknowledgement or receipt."
In the article you also state "Those most affected are those who do not have photo ID or drivers' licenses, often poorer people who live in urban - mostly Democratic - areas." And yet, your article provides no actual data on this issue. In fact, a photo id is needed for the purpose of applying for public assistance, or even to enter government buildings. The last time I visited the Secretary of State's office on Ashburton street or the State House on Beacon Street (back when it was open) I was required to present a photo ID. Does the requirement for a photo id to get government assistance or enter a government building also affect the poorer among us in Democratic areas like Boston? In 34 states a form of id, whether photo or non-photo, is required to vote, including in Democratic leaning states like Washington or Delaware. The summary of the ballot question (printed on every petition) which would make voter id a mandatory (rather than optional) law states that "This proposed law would require prospective voters to show a photo identification before being given a ballot at a polling place on Election Day. The photo identification presented would have to be issued by a branch of the United States Government, or by the state, or by a tribal authority recognized either by the United States or the state. Voters who do not present such identification would be permitted to vote if they execute an affidavit attesting to their identity and residence." This means that if you don't have a photo id, in addition to all of the other available means of proving your id, you can also sign an affidavit. How does this negatively affect the poor? The opponents of voter id have no answer except to state its intimidating to prove you are who you say you are when casting a ballot that affects everything from city council races to a presidential election, and many ballot questions regarding tax laws, laws that could reclassify uber and lift drivers, and laws that influence how we live our daily lives. Those are important issues - why should you not prove you are a legitimate voter in an election?
And finally, your article rightly cites the Heritage Foundation's tracking of voter fraud cases -which include four convictions in Massachusetts. The Heritage Foundation also cites 1,332 proven instances of voter fraud nationwide, 1145 criminal convictions, 48 civil penalties, 99 Diversion programs, 23 Judicial findings, and 17 official findings. However, back to Massachusetts; just because there have only been four convictions of voter fraud does not mean that voter fraud is virtually non-existent. This is like saying if you only catch one shoplifter that is stealing from your store than shoplifting is virtually non-existent. No, it just means you've only caught one shoplifter - there could be several others you didn't catch, and maybe never will. Voter fraud is a very difficult crime to prove. Many elections can be won or lost by very small margins (i.e. the ward 2 race in Gloucester, or prop 2 1/2 question in Rockport). For the most part, if the voter fraud can be discovered and proven, the vote has already been cast, the election is over, and the results are certified, and therefore whatever damage the fraud was intended to create has already been accomplished. This is proven in your own article - although the Worcester man was caught and convicted of voter fraud, his fraudulent vote had already been cast, and so it was too late for that election. How many other people fraudulently voted in an election but have never been caught or even deterred? The purpose of Voter ID, like many of our other voting laws, is to deter fraud before it even happens. Voting should be easy, but cheating should be hard.
Ring seeks to include Republican party in Election Officer Nominations
(Jonathanring.org, July 4th, 2021)
As the chair of the Rockport Republican Town Committee (RRTC), I sent a letter to the Rockport Board of Selectmen in June, and a follow-up letter after Rockport's June 22nd election, formally requesting that for all future elections that the RRTC be allowed to nominate Election Officers as required by law. We, as a Republican party, must become fully engaged in every aspect of our election and voting process if we expect election accountability. If you are a Republican and you are interested in joining the RRTC and/ or becoming a Republican nominated Election officer, please email me at j_ring@hotmail.com.
Dear Chair Campbell,
Board of Selectmen
First, I would like to congratulate you on your election to Board chair this past Tuesday. I hope you will do well in this new role.
I am writing today to request that the Board of Selectmen address the issue of developing a process to ensure that the Rockport Republican Town Committee is notified, for all future elections, of the opportunity to nominate election officers, and to have those election officers appointed by the Board of Selectmen, not the Town Clerk.
As indicated in a previous email, the Rockport Code of By-laws specifically states that "The Board of Selectmen shall appoint ... election officers..." (chapter 3, section 4c), and again "The Board of Selectmen shall appoint the following Town Officers and Committees: .... Officers and Registrars of Voters .... Election Officers ..." (chapter 6, Section 1). The Town Clerk's powers and duties can be found in chapter 3, Section 11 of the Code of By-laws, and absent is any kind of appointment authority. This authority is reserved to the Board of Selectmen.
In addition, according to the Secretary of State's Election officer manual
"Selectmen must notify the chairmen of record of each town committee by April 15th that lists of party members who wish to be appointed as election officers must be submitted by June 1st. M.G.L. c. 54 ss 12. Not later than June 1st of each year, the chairman of the town committee of each political party may file with the registrars a list of enrolled members of such party who desire to be election officers." (Page 4.)
"The chairman of the town committee of each political party may, not later than June first in each year, file with the registrars a list of enrolled members of such party who desire appointment as election officers. The Selectmen shall, not later than April 15th of each year, make written notification to the chairman of record of the town committee of each political party that said list must be submitted no later than June first of the same year." (page 19.)
In addition, the town Republican party is also entitled to equal representation among election officers. While it has been stated by the town clerk that there is equal representation and unenrolled voters can represent either, this is not the case according to state law and the election officer's manual. "Such election officers shall be enrolled voters so appointed as equally to represent the 2 leading political parties, except that, without disturbing the equal representation of such parties, not more than 1/3 of the election officers not representing either of them may be appointed (Chapter 54, Section 13, page 20)."
Unfortunately, this equal representation has been disturbed. In 2020 the town had 41 election workers (or officers) listed on page 15 and 16 of the annual town report https://www.rockportma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif1141/f/uploads/2020_town_report.pdf. If you look at the party affiliation of each person you will find the following:
People who are un-enrolled cannot represent the Republican party - they are not affiliated even officially with any party, and they are not nominated by the Republican party. Currently, at least as of 2020, there are more Democrats appointed then Republicans and more un-enrolled voters than either of them.
While the RRTC had hoped it would be possible to get additional Republicans appointed for the June 22nd municipal election to begin restoring some sense of balance and the intent of the law, this close to the election it was not possible. Nevertheless, I believe we should work together to restore the legal process for appointing election officers for future elections. The Board of Selectmen are the appointing authority for election officers, not the town clerk, and the two major parties on record must be involved in the nominating process. The intent of the law is to ensure bipartisan accountability in the election process, to continue to make sure our election process is fair for all voters. Again, thank you for your consideration.
Jonathan Ring
Chair, RRTC
Ring Pushes Back on Democrat Election Fraud Myth
"Election Fraud is Right in Front of your Noses. Don't Try to Snow me."
by Jonathan Ring
(Letter to the editor, Boston Broadside, March, 2021)
(This letter was sent to the Gloucester Daily Times, but they refused to publish it.)
Now that the dust has settled and we have had a peaceful transition of power between Trump and Biden, I think it is still important to address the issue of election fraud. After all, the Democratic party spent nearly all of Trump's term in office investigating possible Russian collusion in the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 election. After a thorough nearly three- year investigation it was proven that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia to win the 2016 election, so why not have an audit or investigation to disprove the claims of fraud in the 2020 election? There were plenty of claims. Here are a few examples:
* According to an article in Frontpagemag, Dec 23, 2020: “Affidavits by postal workers in three Pennsylvania cities have testified that various post offices illegally backdated ballots and ordered that Trump mail be placed in the “Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail” bin while emphasizing that Biden mail should be delivered on time. Pennsylvania postal worker Richard Hopkins told James O’Keefe of Project Veritas that Erie County postmaster Robert Wisenbach had told postal employees to separate mail-in ballots that arrived after Nov. 3 from other mail, and to backdate those ballots so that they would be counted in the election. Both the Washington Post and New York Times later published false stories claiming, incorrectly, that Hopkins had retracted his allegations.”
* Apparently on the morning of Nov 4th Biden had a spike in votes – Biden got approximately 570,000 additional votes to Trump’s 3,200.
* Another affidavit “claims that election workers in Pennsylvania were instructed to assign ballots without names to random people across the state.” By coincidence thousands of Pittsburg residents showed up to vote and were told that they already had voted.
* One article in Life Site News, dated Dec. 4th, stated Gregory Stenstrom, a forensic computer expert and Delaware County poll watcher presented an affidavit in which he “witnessed unsupervised access by a vendor representing Dominion during which the vendor apparently violated election system certification protocols and inserted jump drives to download and update the aggregation machines counting the vote.” Stenstrom said, at a hearing by the Pennsylvania state Senate, it is “impossible to verify the validity of about 100,000 to 120,000 votes” from Delaware County.”
* In addition, many counties in Pennsylvania reported Dominion voting system breakdowns and the state of Georgia’s Dominion voting systems had glitches that affected over 80,000 ballots.
* According NOQ Report, Dec. 3, “Attorney Jackie Pick presented video evidence that Georgia election officials in that State Farm Arena tabulation center instructed press and ballot observers to leave around 10:20pm on election night …. Once the observers were gone, the four ballot counters …” pulled out suitcases of ballots from under the table and started counting. Pick estimated that it would have been possible to at add at least 24,000 fraudulent votes.
While it is true that various courts have declined to hear cases of the alleged voter fraud this does not mean that no proof exists, nor were all courts unanimous in their dismissal. One example is that the Michigan Supreme Court, in a 4 – 3 decision declined to hear an election fraud case. Justice Viviano, in his dissent, stated “By closing the courthouse door on these petitioners, the court today denies them any ability to have their claims fully considered by the judiciary. I believe it is incumbent upon the court, in these circumstances, to provide guidance so that, no matter the outcome, the people are able to understand and exercise their constitutional rights in an effective and meaningful manner.”
Ring Pushes for Safer Speeds near Millbrook Park
(Facebook Post June 17th, 2021)
The Rockport Housing Authority voted, unanimously on June 10th, to endorse and send my policy proposal to the Rockport Traffic Committee, to reduce the speed on Pooles Lane to 20 MPH, to help promote and protect elderly pedestrian safety on Pooles Lane. A letter and email are being sent this week for their review. And this final issue will close out my term in office. Rockport elections will be on Tuesday June 22nd, in which a new Housing Authority Commissioner, Maureen Beeley will most likely be elected. Maureen Beeley was once on the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, and will be returning to make her own positive impact on our community. I wish her the best of luck as she returns to serve our community.
Dear Traffic Committee
On behalf of the RHA, I am writing to propose a change in the speed limit on Poole’s Lane. The current speed limit is 25 MPH. We believe that 25 MPH may be too fast for this street which has no sidewalks and is close to senior housing at Millbrook Park. There has been an ongoing problem of drivers on Pooles Lane that exceed the speed limit, which puts elderly pedestrians, many of whom live at Millbrook Park, at risk. Last month the police department placed an electronic sign to give notice to drivers of how fast they are going as reminder to slow down. While we appreciate these efforts, this may not be enough. Therefore, the RHA would like to propose a change in the speed limit on Poole’s Lane to 20 MPH, in an effort to control traffic flow and protect the safety of elderly citizens that choose to walk on Poole’s Lane. While we do not expect every driver to stay within the 20 MPH limit, we believe that most drivers will make an effort to stay closer to that limit, which will promote a greater sense of safety for all pedestrians. Thank you again for your consideration.
Jonathan Ring
Rockport Housing Authority
Ring Announces Plan to Conserve Millbrook Stream Environment
(Face Book Post, June 17, 2021)
As I close out my term as both a member and a chair of the Housing Authority board in Rockport, I find that there is still work to do, such as getting permission from the Conservation Commission to cut back and maintain the growth around mill stream running through MillBrook Park. Last week I sent the following letter to the Conservation Commission:
Dear Chair:
On behalf of the Rockport Housing Authority (RHA), I would like to request permission for our Housing Authority to cut back overgrowth around the Millbrook Stream that runs through the RHA property. Whereas overgrowth on the brook exceeds 8 feet in height, we would like to cut it down to four (4) feet in height. We would also like to place markers to mark off the four (4) foot growth so that we can continue to maintain the growth and cut back excessive growth around the brook. The unchecked overgrowth around the brook is creating an environment in which the pests are becoming an issue. RHA has great concerns regarding mosquitos, ticks, rodents, etc. that hide in and around the brook. RHA wants to be sure that the tenants are not affected by this. In addition to our safety concerns regarding the pests, the overgrowth has now disrupted RHAs ability to properly maintain the surrounding walkways. The safety issue now includes our paved pathways that can create tripping hazards, scratching tenants, and also making snow/ice removal difficult to keep from tenants falling.
We appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward to hearing from you.
Jonathan Ring
Chairman, Rockport Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
13 Millbrook Park Rockport, MA 01966
Ring announces retirement from RHA board
Highlights success in keeping campaign promises, promoting transparency, and pushing for vaccine distributions at Millbrook park.
(February 18, 2021)
Rockport municipal elections are coming up and many elected positions are available - now is the time for Rockport citizens to consider how else they can serve their community. Signature papers are available now at the Rockport town clerk's office, and 44 valid Rockport signatures are required by April 30th to have your name on the ballot. Town election is on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021.
With all that said, I would also like to announce that I will not be seeking re-election to the Rockport Housing Authority. It has truly been an honor to serve in this position. When I ran in 2016, I promised to do three things: to vote to hire a new executive director who would build a sense of community and keep our budget balanced; to support the inclusion of a tenant representative to the board; and to advocate for additional financial support from community preservation funds. As chair of the RHA I was able to oversee the hiring of Leigh Perry-Duda, Rockport's very own who has brought a greater sense of community to the RHA, and works tirelessly every day for the tenants of RHA; I supported tenant John Knowlton, who was elected to the board and represents the needs of other tenants; and, as chair, I worked with the board to advocate for and receive $180,000 grant from CPC for much needed roof replacement at Kitefield Road. In addition, I've also pushed for greater transparency of our finances - RHA statement now appears in the Annual Rockport town report.
In January, I sent a letter on behalf of the RHA to Governor Baker, and Senator Burce Tarr, advocating for early vaccine distribution to our elderly population at Millbrook park. Thanks to the support of Gov. Baker, Senator Tarr, and the leadership of our executive director Leigh Perry-Duda, in coordination with the Rockport Board of Health, our elderly and low income population at Millbrook Park began getting vaccinated in the first week of February.
After serving for five years in this role, I would like to leave the door open for others who may want to serve on the Housing Authority. I will still be involved in local and state politics and as chair of the Rockport Republican Town Committee. I highlight these accomplishments in the RHA as an example of the things that you can accomplish when serving as an elected town official, whether for the Housing Authority or for any other board. I would encourage you to think about the various positions available and what you would like to accomplish if you got elected to any of these positions. And if you would like more information or help in running for any of these positions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you, and God bless.
Jonathan Ring
Ring Condemns Capitol Hill Violence
(January 11, 2021)
The events of Wednesday January 6th have been sad and shocking, and there can be no excuse for mob violence that caused the loss of a woman's life in the capitol building yesterday, three others outside, and the many injuries to law enforcement. The extremists that lead the way through the capitol building and caused destruction to force their way in, do not represent the vast majority of the hundreds of thousands of peaceful Trump supporters that went to D.C. to protest what many people believe are fraudulent election results, or the 74 million who voted for Trump. The behavior of those who stormed the capitol building to try to disrupt both the certification process and the objections to certification is inexcusable. The agitators that invaded the capitol tried to tear down democracy but they did not succeed. Supporters of Biden carried out their constitutional duty as they saw it, and supporters of Trump who objected to certification did their constitutional duty as they saw it, order was restored thanks to our Capitol police and national guard and debate on the house floor continued as it was meant to. I condemn this violence and those who committed it, just the same as I condemn far left BLM, Antifa, riots that went on for days, and destroyed hundreds of business, government property, and lives last year. We need to both condemn this violence and loss of life yesterday, and move forward to a better day for tomorrow. America is still the best country in the world and the Beacon of Freedom and Liberty!
Jonathan Ring
Chair, Rockport Republican Town Committee
Ring fights for low income families in Rockport
(Jonathan Ring, GDT, 9/18/20)
Revealing the violent Marxist agenda of BLM
(Jonathan Ring, GDT, August 20th, 2020)
AG Barr shows Antifa role in protests
(Jonathan Ring, GDT, July 20th, 2020)
Ring Re-elected to third term as RHA Board Chair
(Facebook Post July 9th, 2020)
Today I am grateful to announce that I have been re-elected to a third term for the position of Board chair of the Rockport Housing Authority. I appreciate the confidence that my fellow board members have placed in me and I look forward to working with them over this year on the many challenges that confront the RHA, challenges that include how we maintain safety protocols during Covid 19, making sure we have safe and affordable housing available for our seniors at Millbrook Park, and advocating CPA funding for roof replacement at Kitefield Road. I am grateful to our executive Director Leigh Perry-Duda who has done a really great job in overseeing the agency day to day. We couldn't do it without her, and I am grateful to my fellow board members for the work that they do as well.
Housing Authority | Town of Rockport MA
The Rockport Housing Authority (RHA) has provided the subsidized housing needs of low- and moderate-income families for more than thirty years. The Housing Authority administers State and Federal rental assistance programs by helping families living at Millbrook Park, Kitefield Road, and throughout MA.
America was not founded on racism
(By Jonathan Ring, June 16th, 2020)
Rockport GOP Re-organized amidst Covid 19 pandemic
(Face book post 4/19/20)
While the Rockport Republican Town Committee (RRTC) was unable to meet in person because of social distancing requirements necessary to prevent the spread of covid 19, the committee was able to meet last week via Audio Conference Call. And while many RRTC events are on temporary hold so that the committee can follow health guidelines and help stop the spread of the virus, the RRTC was still able to re-organize. Congratulations to Don Campbell who was elected to the position of vice-Chair, and Robert Morris was re-elected as Treasurer. Jonathan Ring was re-elected to the position of Chair. The RRTC discussed upcoming elections and signature gathering efforts for various GOP candidates, who have to get many of their signatures via mail because social distance requirements make it difficult to get signatures in person. To learn more about how you can help get Republican candidates on the ballot go to https://massgop.com/signatures/. Richard A Baker Jr, GOP state committeeman, who hosted the audio conference, reported the great news that the Mass GOP State Committee unanimously re-elected Jim Lyons to the position of state chair, and voted in over 30 pro- Trump Delegates to the RNC national convention. The RRTC is looking forward to supporting Trump in the November election. To learn more about the RRTC go to https://www.facebook.com/RockportGOP/ .
Campbell, Ring, Two Top Vote Getters in Rockport GOP Committee Primary
(Face book post, March 3, 2020)
Great election night results. Very exciting. I am happy to report that the top vote getter for the Rockport Republican town committee (RRTC) was Don Campbell with 230 votes. Congratulations Don! I was next with 228 votes. I want to also congratulate all of the members of the RRTC who were elected with me, and in many cases re-elected, to a new 4 year term. They are Don Campbell, Georgia Gibbons, David Gibbons, Ellen Canavan, Peter C. Webber, Dianne Regan Parisi, Robert Morris, Mike Boucher, Janine Boucheŕ, Brad Bigelow. We also appointed a 12th member by the name of Harry Korslund at our last meeting. He also got three write in votes. All of these members have contributed a lot to the committee.. Trump, Amanda Orlando Kesterson, Richard A Baker Jr also won Rockport. Congratulations! Check out Rockport Results for Republican and Democratic ballots right here: https://www.rockportma.gov/sites/rockportma/files/news/primary_3-3-20_results.pdf
GOP hosted candidates night in Rockport
(GDT FEB 21, 2020)
Ring Delivers CPC application to Support Public Housing in Rockport
(Face book Post 2/3/20)
Today on behalf of the Rockport Housing Authority (RHA), I was pleased to deliver at town hall the RHA's application for funding of roof replacements to the Community Preservation Committee. Special thanks to Director Leigh Perry Duda for work in preparing the documents, and to fellow board members for their support: Bethany Brosnan, John Knowlton, Sue Terry Blake, Theresa Byrne. Cover letter to the CPC states the following:
Dear CPC
On behalf of the RHA, I want to extend our appreciation to your committee for the work you do in making sure that many worthwhile projects receive consideration for CPC support. We also appreciate your dedication and support of Rockport’s affordable housing needs, and we hope that the RHA’s proposed project will help to fulfill one of the central missions of the CPC, to support affordable housing for low, and moderate, income families.
The RHA Board and I unanimously voted on Thursday January 9th to request $236,869 from the CPC fund to provide for roof replacement for RHA’s low income family housing at Kitefield Road in Rockport. We feel that this is a worthwhile investment that will help us maintain affordable housing for many families in Rockport.
The Rockport Housing Authority has over the years benefited many Rockport residents. Most recently, since October, 75% of the most recent move ins to Millbrook park and Kitefield Road were originally Rockport residents. In addition, there are 37 school age children housed in the 24 units at Kitefield Road operated by the RHA.
By assisting in the roof replacement at Kitefield Road you are helping to provide Rockport families, and school age children, a safe and affordable housing environment in your own community. Once again, thank you for your consideration.
Jonathan Ring
RHA Board
Ring Co-autho
Jonathan Ring has been active in the Rockport and North Shore community. To learn more about how he is making a difference in his community, read these news articles.
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